Daddy - The Pitt Bull
Bilden lånad från Cesar's Way
"Cesar Millan, all his family and friends, his staff and volunteers, and dog lovers all around the world today will mourn the passing of one of the most loyal, trusting, well-balanced, and influential pit bull ambassadors the world has ever known. Daddy, Cesar's longtime friend and partner in canine rehabilitation, died peacefully surrounded by family on Friday the 19th of February. He was sixteen years old.
He lived each day of those sixteen years happy and fulfilled as Cesar's right-hand-"man," helping to shape the behavior of entire generations of dogs by showing them the way to balance. He stood as champion for calm-submissive pit bulls everywhere, and was instrumental in helping to repair their image as violent, savage, uncontrollable beasts. He successfully battled cancer and weathered chemotherapy, and even got the opportunity to present at the 56th Annual Creative Arts Emmy Awards!
His name is now added to that honorable roster of dogs gone by whose influence is still felt today, and which includes some of Cesar's beloved childhood heroes: "Rin-Tin-Tin." "Lassie." ... "Daddy."
He has been immortalized by Dog Whisperer fans in all mediums, from painting, to photographs, to charcoal drawings and papier-mâché sculpture. And, of course, he lives on in his work, reflected in the balance and calm-submission of his protégé Junior, the countless animals to whom he was a positive role model, and in the hearts and minds of everyone who knew him as a calm, sweet, and mellow example of a widely misunderstood breed."
Usch ja!:( Så sorgligt!
Åh tråkigt... Men wow 16 år!
En fantastisk hund!
jisses blev han så gammal den där hunden... vi har ju så få kanaler här hos oss så nu var de länge sen jag fick se hans program :(
Här har det varit svinkallt, hundarna får kramp i benen på bara några minuter fast jag skottar upp för dom suck.. inte skojsigt vara småhundar på vintern inte, nä nu vill vi alla tre få tillbaka sommaren :) ha en fin fin dag :)
SV: vad glad jag blir att du tycker det:) hihi
jag har skadat mig på konståkningen:( kommer berätta mer om det senare ikväll!:)
En helt otrolig hund. Sorgligt, men en beaktingsvärd ålder.
En fantastisk hund och det är tråkigt att han har lämnat oss. =(
=( vila i frid
fy va sorgligt. Men en otroligt klok hund verkade det vara och lugn. Vila i frid